Like Kerbal Space Program? Then check out this book: Apollo. Or if you're more interested in the science behind spaceflight, you might like this: Fundamentals of Astrodynamics


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Package: C7 Aerospace Pack - Experimental Version 3

Package Tags: Spaceplane

Description: The latest in research and developement enabled the developement of this little piece of marvel. The Sensor Array Computing Nose Cone, being outfitted with many sensors and a computer salvaged from the highest quality aircraft scrap, is sure to account for all variables, counteracting all external forces, allowing you for a seamless flight.


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Parameter C7A-NCS-SACNC Advanced S.A.S Module
Cost 2300 2300
Manufacturer C7 Aerospace STEADLER Engineering Corps
Mass 0.8 0.8
Crash Tolerance 9.0 9.0
Maximum Drag 0.2 0.2
Max Temp 3400.0 3400.0