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Launch Escape System Decoupler Base

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Package: NovaPunch - SIDR Wobbly - Remix Pack

Package Tags: Realistic 2 m 3 m 1.75 m 1 m

Description: A version of the nano decoupler designed to attach the launch escape tower to. Place this on top of your parachute.


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Parameter Launch Escape System Decoupler Base TR-18A Stack Decoupler
Cost 200 975
Manufacturer C. O. C. Mechanical Couplings Inc. O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
Mass 0.1 0.8
Crash Tolerance 40.0 9.0
Maximum Drag 0.2 0.2
Max Temp 3000.0 3400.0
Fuel Cross Feed False True
Ejection Force -1.0 10.0