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NovaPunch - SIDR Wobbly - Remix Pack

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Forum Thread: Thread

Tags: Realistic 2 m 3 m 1.75 m 1 m

Description: A fusion of 2 classic mod packs, NovaSilisko's SIDR and SundayPunch's Wobbly Rocket Pack. Contains over 100 parts intended to simulate "realistic" rocket configurations. See Forum Thread for alternate skin and config packs!


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Title Author Cost Mass Crash Tolerance Drag Max Temp
KC-120 Adapter/Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.7 160 0.2 3400
KC-130 Adapter/Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.7 160 0.2 3400
Mk. 847 1-2 Hollow Stage Decoupler NovaSilisko 1200 1.5 160 0.2 3400
HH-78b6a9 Adapter NovaSilisko 200 0.3 160 0.2 3300
HH-78b Adapter NovaSilisko 300 0.8 160 0.2 3300
HH-90909 Adapter NovaSilisko 200 0.5 160 0.2 3300
Mk. 77 Hollow Stage Decoupler NovaSilisko 1300 2 160 0.2 3400
HH-78c Adapter NovaSilisko 300 1 160 0.2 3300
Mk. 2.3 Hollow Stage Decoupler NovaSilisko 1700 1.8 160 0.2 3400
AM-27b 1.75 meter Nosecone NovaSilisko 400 0.1 12 0.0 3400
HMX Industries 1.75 Meter Detachable Nosecone NovaSilisko 1800 1 25 0.0 3000
Model 808, 1.75 Meter Radial Clamp NovaSilisko 1700 1 160 0.2 3200
Medium Bertha NovaSilisko 1350 1.5 160 0.2 3500
Twin Bertha Lite NovaSilisko 1000 1.5 160 0.2 3500
Large Bertha NovaSilisko 1700 12 160 0.2 3500
HH-78a Large Fuel Tank NovaSilisko 1000 9 160 0.2 3500
HH-78 Double-length fuel tank NovaSilisko 2000 18 160 0.2 3300
MPM-20 S.A.S Module NovaSilisko 2700 1.3 100 0.2 3400
HH-78ab Small Fuel Tank NovaSilisko 500 4.5 10 0.2 3300
Mk. 46 Hollow Stage Decoupler NovaSilisko 1200 1.5 160 0.2 3400
HH-78e Adapter NovaSilisko 300 0.8 160 0.2 3300
RCS-175 RCS Tank Omnivore | Tiberion (textures) 550 2 160 0.2 2900
1 metre nosecone Sunday Punch 500 0.1 12 0.2 3400
HMX Industries One-meter Detachable Nosecone NovaSilisko 1000 0.5 14 0.0 3000
KC-210 Adapter/Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.7 160 0.2 3400
KC-230 Adapter/Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.7 160 0.2 3400
2 metre fairing nosecap Sunday Punch 4000 0.2 9 0.1 3200
2 metre fairing panel Sunday Punch 1000 0.2 160 0.1 3200
HH-90908 Adapter NovaSilisko 200 0.5 40 0.2 3300
2M2X1 adapter plate Sunday Punch 500 0.3 40 0.2 3900
FL-S500 Fuel Tank Tiberion 800 7.5 160 0.2 2900
2m fairing plate Sunday Punch 500 0.3 40 0.2 3900
FL-S2000 Fuel Tank Sunday Punch 800 15 160 0.2 2900
RS-202 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.5 160 0.2 3400
RS-201 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.5 160 0.2 3400
RCST-200 Omnivore | Tiberion (texture) 550 3.5 160 0.2 2900
Centaur-21 Adapter Sunday Punch 500 0.5 160 0.1 3400
HS-300 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.8 160 0.2 3400
KC-310 Adapter/Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.7 160 0.2 3400
KC-320 Adapter/Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.7 160 0.2 3400
3 metre to 5X1 metre adapter shroud Sunday Punch 500 0.5 40 0.2 3900
3M5X1 adapter plate Sunday Punch 500 0.5 40 0.2 3900
3M7X1 adapter plate Sunday Punch 500 0.5 40 0.2 3900
HH-78d Adapter NovaSilisko 300 1 160 0.2 3300
RS-501 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.7 160 0.2 3400
RS-502 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.7 160 0.2 3400
RCST-300 Omnivore | Tiberion (texture) 550 5 160 0.2 2900
Centaur-32 Adapter Sunday Punch 500 0.5 160 0.1 3400
4X-800 Liquid Fuel Engine Cluster Sunday Punch 1000 4 60 0.2 12000
SP-41C Dual-Coupler Sunday Punch 680 0.8 40 0.3 3400
SP-41CR Dual-Coupler Sunday Punch 680 0.8 40 0.3 3400
Punch-Out Mk I Escape Tower Sunday Punch 450 0.1 7 0.3 3600
HH-77b Nosecone + Parachute NovaSilisko 700 0.8 12 0 5000
TK-421 Light Decoupler Sunday Punch 600 0.2 40 0.2 3100
NERVA Mk. I Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine Sunday Punch 850 3 60 0.2 3750
2m SAS Module Tiberion 2300 1.1 160 0.2 3400
3m SAS Module Tiberion 2300 1.8 160 0.2 3400
TiberDyne JF-1750 Solid Booster Tiberion 5000 12 160 0.3 4200
EAS-40 Heavy Strut Connector HarvesteR | Edit by Tiberion 250 0.1 120 0.0 3600
Launch Escape System Decoupler Base NovaSilisko 200 0.1 40 0.2 3000
SP-81C Quad-Coupler Sunday Punch 680 0.8 40 0.3 3400
Backfire Retrorocket Sunday Punch 450 0.4 40 0.3 3600
SP-5 Vertical Stabiliser Sunday Punch 500 0.1 12 0.5 3400
Gsh-30 nosecap Sunday Punch 500 0.0 12 0.1 3400
QS-91 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.6 160 0.2 3400
QS-92 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.6 160 0.2 3400
QS-93 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 1.2 160 0.2 3400
QS-80 Stack Decoupler Sunday Punch 1200 0.6 160 0.2 3400
SAS-2 vernier pod Sunday Punch (converted by Tiberion) 900 0.2 900 0.2 3400
Yawmaster 2500 Advance SAS Module Sunday Punch || Straight Chillen 2300 0.5 9 0.2 3400
Yawmaster R25 Fuel Tank Sunday Punch || Straight Chillen 800 0.8 60 0.2 2900
Yawmaster RCS2250 Sunday Punch || Straight Chillen 600 0.1 15 0.0 3600
Yawmaster R-250 RCS Fuel Tank Sunday Punch || Straight Chillen 800 0.9 12 0.2 2900
SL-55 Aero Decoupler Sunday Punch 1000 0.3 40 0.1 3200
AA-BB Linear Decoupling Strut NovaSilisko 1400 0.8 40 0.2 3200
Model 9 Decoupler Flange NovaSilisko 1000 0.3 40 0.0 3200
RMM Docking Claw NovaSilisko 700 0.3 12 0 3100
HH-77 Insulated Fuel Tank NovaSilisko 800 4 60 0.2 5000
HH-77 Insulated Fuel Tank Nosecone NovaSilisko 100 0.1 4 0.1 5000
ML-22 Landing Leg NovaSilisko 300 0.1 100 0.2 2000
SSH Series, Model 221 Solid Booster NovaSilisko 800 7.9 160 0.3 9900
FL-R1000 Fuel Tank Sunday Punch 800 25 60 0.2 2900
M-50 liquid fuel rocket engine Sunday Punch 850 1 60 0.2 10000
FL-T3000 Fuel Tank Sunday Punch 800 40 60 0.2 4000
LT-20 Lateral Coupler Sunday Punch 800 1.5 40 0.2 2900
LT-21 Lateral Coupler Sunday Punch 800 1.5 40 0.2 2900
LT-30 Lateral Coupler Sunday Punch 800 2 40 0.2 2900
LT-31 Lateral Coupler Sunday Punch 800 2 40 0.2 2900
FL-S100L Fuel Tank Sunday Punch | Omnivore (remesh) 800 8 60 0.2 4000
K2-X liquid fuel rocket engine Sunday Punch 850 0.6 60 0.2 2000
KSP-30 Solid Fuel Booster Sunday Punch 900 4 160 0.3 6000
HMX Industries NanoCone NovaSilisko 25 0.1 12 0.0 3400
KMX Industries MiniBooster NovaSilisko 300 1 160 0.3 3600
TD-M9 Mechanical Decoupler NovaSilisko 500 0.2 40 0.2 3000
GG-M4 Liquid Fuel Engine NovaSilisko 500 0.5 60 0.2 4000
The Matriarch NovaSilisko 3000 3.3 60 0.2 3000
TD-M3 Mechanical Decoupler NovaSilisko 200 0.1 40 0.2 3000
Nano SAS Mk1 NovaSilisko 1000 0.1 9 0.1 3400
RMA-3 Orbital Achievement Device NovaSilisko 300 0.2 60 0.2 3600
Mk7 Payload Assist Module NovaSilisko 400 0.5 30 0.3 3600
Model 9 Radial Flange NovaSilisko 1000 0.3 35 0.0 3200
Platinum Communications Model BXs-7 NovaSilisko 0 0.9 40 0.3 3600
Platinum Communications Model BXs-9 NovaSilisko 0 0.9 40 0.3 3600
CMM-96 Surplus Booster NovaSilisko 600 6.3 160 0.3 3400
KSP-5 Solid Motor Sunday Punch 900 0.8 35 0.3 2500
Bootleg Command Module, Small NovaSilisko 1400 1 17 0.2 3400
AM-27 Small Nosecone NovaSilisko 400 0.1 12 0.0 3400
FL-R25 Fuel Tank Sunday Punch 800 0.8 60 0.2 2900
Mk. 3030302 Hollow Stage Decoupler NovaSilisko 700 0.8 40 0.2 3400
SPS-10 liquid fuel rocket engine Sunday Punch 850 0.3 60 0.2 2400
Probodobodyne Deluxe NovaSilisko 3000 1.5 40 0.3 3600
Mk3 Parachute NovaSilisko 700 0.3 12 0 3100
T-2 Strake NovaSilisko 700 0.1 12 0.2 3400
M-38 Unoccupied Guidance System NovaSilisko 300 0.7 19 0.2 3400