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KSP-5 Solid Motor

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Package: NovaPunch - SIDR Wobbly - Remix Pack

Package Tags: Realistic 2 m 3 m 1.75 m 1 m

Description: A teeny-tiny little solid motor. It's so cute!


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Parameter KSP-5 Solid Motor RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster
Cost 900 450
Mass 0.8 1.8
Crash Tolerance 35.0 7.0
Maximum Drag 0.3 0.3
Max Temp 2500.0 3600.0
Max Thrust 100.0 130.0
Heat Production 200.0 550.0
Dry Mass 0.2 0.36
Fuel Consumption 10.0 4.0
Fuel 90.0 100.0